Ontario Parks Challenge

A New Year is always a good time for reflection and to set goals, or resolutions for yourself. Last year we signed up for the 52 Hike Challenge and managed to go for a hike at least 52 times throughout the year. Turns out it was the perfect challenge to get us through a strange year. And it was nice to have something to work towards. So this year we decided to set a new challenge for ourselves. One that assumes that travel restrictions will remain in place. Our goal for 2021 is to visit as many of Ontario’s provincial parks as we can.

There are over 330 provincial parks scattered across Ontario. Some of these are operational, non-operational and wilderness preserves. Needless to say, there is no shortage of options. Some of the best hiking trails, campgrounds, canoe routes, and sandy beaches in the province can be found within the boundaries of these parks.

A summary of our Ontario Parks Challenge can be found here

Provincial Parks Log

Below is a list of the provincial parks in Ontario that we’ve visited this year:

A full list of all the Ontario parks we’ve visited can be found here